West End Slo-pitch Association
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(updated 19 January 2025)



When is registration?
WESA facilitates 'priority online registration' for a spot in the league in February for returning Members. 'Online registration' then opens to the public within a week after the membership priority renewal period. 

Is WESA a 'beer league'?
No. WESA is not a 'beer league'.  The use of any intoxicating substances during the course of the game, or appearing to be in an intoxicated condition while participating in a game is prohibited. (See the SPN Code of Conduct and the WESA Code of Conduct

What is the Welcome Party?
The Welcome Party is where new members and returning WESA Members, who have already registered and paid for their spot during the online registration process, can come mix and mingle with fellow returning and new members, and support our WESA Sponsor where the event is held.

What happens on Draft Day?
All registered and paid members will be drafted onto teams by the Coaches. The T2 Division Coaches start their draft first in the morning. Then the T1 Division Coaches do their draft in the afternoon. In the meantime, WESA hosts a party for all members while they wait. After both drafts have been done and all members are drafted onto the teams, they are announced to everyone.

What is the Jersey Pick-Up Party?
The Jersey Pick-Up Party is where all Members can pick up their jerseys from their team leadership. WESA loves a good Social, and what better way to get together again than to pick up your new team jersey at this party?

What is an open practice?
An Open Practice is a skills practice session organized by WESA and is open to all WESA Members in either division. We will run through a series of skill building exercises which may include batting/hitting, infield and outfield, and base running.

What is the Spring Ice Breaker Sunday?
The Spring Ice Breaker Sunday usually happens the week before Opening Day. WESA hosts this one day game day for all teams to have an opportunity to have an extra fun day of play where the points don’t count towards Regular Season standings. Each team will have two games against other teams in their division for newbies to see what game play is like and to get the 'rust out' for returning players.

What is the WESA Pageant?
This is WESA’s signature & biggest FUNdraising event of the Season! Each team enters a contestant to vie for the coveted WESA Pageant title and Rookies are encouraged to represent their team in this incredible team bonding experience!

What is the Gay Softball World Series (GSWS)?
WESA belongs to NAGAAA (i.e., North American Gay Amateur Athletic Alliance) and IPS (i.e., International Pride Softball, part of NAGAAA), the organization that puts on the GSWS each year.  Teams from across North America converge upon a host city to compete against teams from other LGBT+ leagues. 



What type of equipment do I need to play?
New players in Slo-pitch softball need some essential pieces of equipment.  A softball glove is essential.  Find one that fits you for the opposite hand with which you throw.  Other recommended pieces are: Cleats (non-metal), baseball cap, and protective cup.  Pitchers and many in-fielders use a fielders mask for face protection.

How many teams does WESA organize?
It varies year to year depending on how much interest we get year to year. For the 2024 Season, which is WESA's 46th year, we anticipate coordinating play for 19 teams total in two divisions: 6 teams in the T2 Division and 13 teams in the T1 Division.

What is the difference between a league team and a tournament team?
WESA organizes league teams where members are drafted onto teams in two divisions each season. League teams get team jerseys organized by and from WESA.

Tournament teams are organized by individuals, independent of WESA, and are typically WESA members who seek to play competitively together and travel to tournaments across North America. Tournament teams take care of their own operations and raise funds to purchase their own jerseys and travel to out-of-town tournaments.

Where and when do we play?
Almost all games are played on Sundays at Strathcona Park with occasional weekday evening games at Strathcona Park. The season’s play schedule will be released to all registered members as well as being posted on WESA.net once it is confirmed. If you have a smart device, you can also download the schedule too.

@Strathcona Park, parking is FREE all day.

Washroom facilities are available at Strathcona Park.

We encourage everyone to please pick up after yourself and your team to keep our parks clean by using available receptacles or better yet, take your rubbish with you!

Please Note: The Vancouver Park Board's field use permit states that "...no alcoholic beverages are to be dispensed, sold or consumed on the park at any time." This is a zero-tolerance policy. Violation may result in WESA's permit privileges being revoked.

Are there different skill levels in WESA?
Yes, WESA facilitates three tiered divisions of play.  Tier 1 is for new and developing players, or those established players seeking to mentor others.  Tier 2 is for the intermediate player and a medium-paced game.  Tier 3 is for the established player and a fast-flowing game. WESA uses a skills assessment system to assign players to divisions.

How long is the play season?
WESA's regular play season is generally from the end of April to mid-July.

How many games does a team play over the season?
In 2024, WESA aims to provide 20 games to every team in each division against teams in their division. In years past, dependent on field permits and field availability, WESA also has provided 2 additional games in the Spring Ice Breaker Sunday which takes place the weekend before Opening Day when the regular season starts. The Ice Breaker games do not count towards regular season team standings and is just an extra fun day of play to get teams warmed up to regular season play. After the regular season all teams compete in the WESA Cup Tournament, an end-of-season two-day weekend tournament (usually mid-July). In the WESA Cup, teams can play up to 7 to 9 games over the tournament.

Does WESA organize softball in the Fall?
In past years WESA has offered Fall Ball which runs August to September, but due to field availability, weather conditions, and the scope of time and resources required to coordinate what is essentially another mini-season of ball play, WESA has stopped organizing this.


What are the expectations of Membership and being on a team in WESA?
There is a Member Agreement that you acknowledge when you join.  The most recent version is available in the WESA Governing Manual, along with all the rules and policies of the league. It is available at this link.

What methods of payment does WESA except for membership fees?
WESA accepts Debit or Credit using TeamLinkt/Stripe payment service (no additional fees) as well as Cheques and Bank Drafts payable to WESA.


Can I sign up with a friend?
Yes, if you can both play in the same division.  You can sign up with a "Buddy" (who can be a spouse, partner, or just a friend). You and your buddy will be drafted onto the same team if you are registered into the same division of play.

Can I sign up as a team?
Unfortunately not.  WESA is a 'draft league' which means every season, we draft all new and returning members onto new teams. This way, every year, returning members get to play with new people and have a new coach, thus enriching your experience from year to year.

Can anyone join?
Yes, if you are 18 years old or older, you can join WESA. WESA provides and protects the opportunity for individuals who support the bonds of lesbian and gay fellowship to play amateur slo-pitch softball in an atmosphere of friendly competition, free of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, race, creed, gender, and ability.


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