WESA 2024 Member Agreement, Coaching Contract, and Code of Conduct
(The full and official versions are contained in the WESA Governing Manual)
In November 2023, the WESA 2024 Coaches’ Retreat saw our Coaching Squad members come together to discuss our league’s values and goals. The two dominating themes that came out of those discussions were:
A) improving how we communicate with each other, and
B) improving how we establish and share our expectations of one another.
The 2024 Members Working Group, made up of a cross-section of WESA Membership, were asked to take the feedback from the Coaches’ Retreat, along with notes from a 2023 Rookie Advisory Group, and submissions from other enthusiastic members, and make recommendations to the Commission on updates to our rules and procedures. The 2024 WESA Commission gratefully accepted these recommendations.
WESA 2024 Working Group Statement:
We have been tasked with putting forward recommendations to the WESA Commission on how to maximize both the engagement of members and the welcoming and inclusive environment that WESA strives to create.
We started with the work done by the WESA Coaches at the annual retreat and the input from enthusiastic members.
Our efforts have been focused on updating the League Etiquette standards by suggesting policy format and content for a WESA Code of Conduct and Agreements for players and coaches to be acknowledged each season.
By focusing on the promotion of clear communication between the league, coaches, and members, as well as clarifying the expectations we have of each other, we believe that the adoption of the ideas we have put forth will set WESA on a positive course for the future.
WESA 2024 Member Working Group: Colin B., Emily D., Sean N., Drew R., Ian G., Justin M., Seán C.
Note from the Commission – minimal updates were made between the submission of these recommendations and their adoption. Updates happen periodically.
Many thanks are due to those who have worked tirelessly to bring these values of clear communication and transparent expectations to the forefront. Thank you to our sister organization, Out for Kicks, for inspiring us with some well thought out wording from their Discipline Policy.
WESA Member Agreement
(for the full official version please see the WESA Governing Manual)
In joining WESA for a season, I agree to attend games, practices, and events in a positive, respectful, and responsible manner as defined below. By following these basic guidelines, I understand that I may be assigned privileges including advance registration the following season. Failure to follow these guidelines may be subject to the WESA Code of Conduct and Bylaws, including suspension from one or more games, or expulsion from the league and termination of membership, at the discretion of the Commission.
I will:
a. Engage in regular and clear communication with my team’s Coach(es);
b. Commit to play in every scheduled game of the season including WESA Cup Weekend and arrive at least 30 minutes before game time unless I notify my Coach(es) at least 24 hours ahead of time.
c. Inform my Coach(es) and the League immediately if the participation amount that I committed to during registration changes, so that a replacement player can be found;
d. Be prepared for every game by having the proper gear and by warming up 15 minutes ahead of game time;
e. Follow the WESA Code of Conduct to the best of my ability;
f. Take personal responsibility for my attitude and conduct on and off the field, including use of inebriating substances, in adherence with the WESA Code of Conduct;
g. Maintain an open-minded attitude towards learning new skills and self-improvement, and welcome constructive criticism;
h. If injured but mobile, endeavour to maximize team spirit by attending games and assisting where possible by cheering, base coaching, and supporting my teammates; and
i. Do my best to contribute to the league and my team in one or more of the following ways:
• coordinate a team event,
• become a WESA Pageant contestant or assistant,
• performing dugout duties or field setup and takedown when asked by the coach(es),
• volunteer at WESA special events, or
• become a volunteer Official Scorekeeper
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WESA Coaching Contract
(for the full official version please see the WESA Governing Manual)
In coaching for WESA this season, I agree to attend games, practices, and events in a positive, respectful, and responsible manner as defined below. If I do not follow these guidelines, I may be removed from the Coaching Team for the season and may not be invited to coach in future seasons, at the discretion of the Commission.
I will:
a. Represent the league in a professional manner, endeavouring to understand and communicate the history, conventions, traditions, and rules of WESA;
b. Set an example by always following the WESA Code of Conduct;
c. Take the time necessary to understand the draft process;
d. Treat all members and fellow coaches with dignity and respect;
e. Engage in regular and clear communication with all members of my team, and use a real-time chat application with them for the duration of the season (e.g., WESA's TeamLinkt)
f. Organize a minimum of two practices and meet with team members to review rules and expectations in the pre-season;
g. Inform my team of the safety issues, as well as the municipal and league rules relating to the consumption of inebriating substances;
h. Prioritize team building over competitiveness, and encourage members of my team to always practice good sportsmanship and safety standards;
i. Immediately bench any player who is exhibiting signs of inebriation;
j. Follow league rules including minimum playing time for each player;
k. Support team member skill development by being open to learning from the members of my team and always offering encouragement and, when asked, advice;
l. Do my best to be available, approachable, supportive, and maintain a good attitude
m. Be organized and ready for game time. This includes a completed batting line-up, setup of the field, and having the necessary equipment and sufficient players;
n. Be open to learning from the members of my team;
o. Encourage players who are injured but mobile to attend games and assist where possible by cheering, base coaching, and supporting my teammates; and
p. Encourage my players to contribute to the league and my team in one or more of the following ways:
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WESA Code of Conduct
(This is an excerpt. For the full official version please see the WESA Governing Manual)
Note: The Commission, in recent times, have dealt with inappropriate and/or abusive behaviours towards members, volunteers, umpires, and league officials. Failure to adhere to the policies around the consumption of alcohol or inebriating substances, or abusive or bullying actions against anyone, will not be tolerated. (Also see the SPN Code of Conduct)
D. WESA Conduct Expectations for all members, sponsors, and volunteers
WESA members, sponsors, and volunteers (whether as a participant or spectator) must:
1. Maintain sportsmanlike conduct consistent with fair and friendly play at all times, especially immediately before, during, and immediately after games;
2. Treat all members, opposing teams, spectators, sponsors, and umpires with respect;
3.. Promote an atmosphere of friendly competition;
4. Follow the WESA Members’ Agreement (and Coaching Contract if applicable);
5. Endeavour to learn the rules of the game including the league appendices;
6. Show respect for the judgment, decisions, and strategy of the team’s Coach(es);
7. Not engage in verbal or physical confrontations or unwelcome behaviour including threatening, harassing, or bullying umpires, coaches, managers, players, league officials, sponsors, members, volunteers, spectators, members of the public or iPride officials;
8. Treat all equipment and facilities with respect;
9. Pay all dues promptly to the League;
10. Always operate in good faith in all dealings with the league, umpires, members, volunteers, and iPride;
11. Not use WESA or iPride intellectual property, trademarks, other marks, or rights, etc., without permission from the league;
12. Not be on the field of play while inebriated, nor consume or have open alcohol or inebriating substances in the dugout or on the field of play during a game or practice. Keeping our games and dugouts free of alcohol and inebriating substances promotes a safe environment, is an insurance requirement, and promotes inclusion of all members of our community;
13. Encourage other members to follow the Code of Conduct;
14. Respect the rules of parks and venues while being used by WESA, including the removal of all trash and recyclables; and
15. Preserve the confidence of confidential and/or privileged information when volunteering in any capacity with the league. This includes, but is not limited to, all discussions, documents, and correspondence involving league sponsors, commission & committee members, and other volunteers and members.
The above is an excerpt. For the full official version please see the WESA Governing Manual)
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